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Thermal Inspection Grain Elevator
Thermal Inspection
Themal Inspection water damage heat loss
Roof Inspection, energy savings,  thermal, heat loss

Prairie Sky UAV is pleased to announce the addition of aerial thermal inspection & evaluation to our service offerings. Having a thermal evaluation of your structure can potentially save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars per year in energy costs & repairs. 
Using our aerial thermal imaging camera we can help you reduces energy cost, verifies integrity of structure, prevent electrical fires, reduce insurance cost, and increases safety.

Some of the items visual & thermal inspection of your structure can show:

- Identify areas of energy loss (heating and air conditioning)
- Identify areas of potential mold formation
- Locate unwanted moisture in stucco
- Locate wet or missing insulation
- Radiant Floor heating inspections
- Overheating HVAC or electrical systems
- Door seal inspection
- Wall seal heat loss inspection
- Detection of Moisture buildup (Roof/Walls)
- Building valuing/ damage, repair inspections
- Covered openings search in walls
- Energy investigations

- Damage assessment caused by weather or other natural

- Classic maintenance and building application

Thank you. We will be in touch shortly

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